All our happy visitor feedback


See what some of our visitors have to say about Hobbiton and how much they enjoyed the experience.
Yellowood School
The Grade 1, 2 and 3's spent an exciting 2 days at Hobbiton last week. They experienced a number of different activities, the highlight being the abseiling and the zipline. They also went on a night-walk and a walk to a waterfall, where they were taught various facts on the natural flora and fauna of the area. The children all came back exhausted, but definitely enriched for the experience.
Nahoon Laer Skool
Die Graad 6-leerders het ‘n onvergeetlike week in Hogsback by Hobbiton deurgebring. Hier kry die leerders weer kans om kind te wees sonder enige elektroniese toerusting of sosiale media. Hulle spandeer amper driekwart van die dag in die buitelug waar hulle besig is met spanbou aktiwiteite.

Gedurende hierdie week ontdek die leerders hulself en ook waartoe hulle in staat is. Nuwe vriendskapsbande word gevorm en hulle leer om hul maats te vertrou. Hierdie week is defnitief die hoogtepunt van alle leerders by Laerskool Nahoon.
Hoerskool P. J. Oliver’ SRC
Hoerskool P. J. Oliver’ SRC (student representative council) and Monitors attended a team building- and leadership camp on 19-21 January at Hobbiton in Hogsback; during which they completed several leadership enhancing activities. Primary school leaders were able to improve their self-esteem and overcome their fear of heights by doing challenging group activities. High school leaders practised patience as they were forced to rely on younger children for certain activities. The kind support of the high school pupils made the juniors feel like a part of the team. Highlights included the initiation by way of “worm” eating and pig intestines being hidden under pupils’ plates, as well a night hike. The pupils also braved the dead of night to quietly sit and listen to the nature’s night time song while appreciating the stars.


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